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September 19, 2010

Screeching Weasel Buy Zetia no prescription, Earlier this year, when it was announced that Ben Weasel would be returning to Los Angeles with not only his own self, but also with prestigious bands The Riverdales and Screeching Weasel, the countdown began for one of the MOST ANTICIPATED shows in 2010 so far. Sunday night experienced a SOLD OUT showat Club Nokia in downtown Los Angeles, Austin, Texas, Memphis, Tennessee, and hosted opening bands Old Man Markley and The Dollyrots. Screeching Weasel headlined the show, and it is safe to say that their mere presence quite possibly caused the show to sell out as fast as it did.

Old Man Markley at Club Nokia 2010

Old Man Markley began their colorful set shortly after 7pm, buy no prescription Zetia online. The versatile band fuses bluegrass with Punk's upbeat nature and attitude to deliver music that one would never expect to encounter at a Punk rock show. Rx free Zetia, Old Man Markley is composed of a mandolin, autoharp, drums, New York. Los Angeles, California, bass, Comprar en línea Zetia, comprar Zetia baratos, banjo, guitar, fiddle, Zetia price, washboard, Reasons to buy Zetia online, and harmonica. With a lineup like that, the music is an absolute guarantee that whatever place it is that you're experiencing it at, you're in for an interesting ride, buy Zetia no prescription. The band played "For Better For Worse" and "Killing Time," among several other songs, Zetia pharmacy. When it was time for the band to leave the stage, Buy Zetia from canada, audience members cheered and applauded, and looked forward to seeing who would perform next after the refreshing Country type of experience.

Kepi Goulie at Club Nokia 2010

Kepi Ghoulie played after Old Man Markley and performed for a short amount of time. Kepi Ghoulie played upbeat, where can i order Zetia without prescription, melodic, Online buying Zetia, and "Pop Punky" music throughout their entire set, and had audience members dancing more than they did pitting. Regardless, acheter en ligne Zetia, acheter Zetia bon marché, the band played songs that were pleasant to the ears and easy to enjoy. Buy Zetia no prescription, Once the band's time on stage was up, Kepi Ghoulie met their ending with huge support from the crowd.

Dollyrots at Club Nokia 2010

The Dollyrots took the stage right before Screeching Weasel and performed for a relatively longer amount of time than the previous bands. Zetia snort, alcohol iteraction, The band consisted of a female bass player who also performs vocals for the band, and who bears a very similar appearance to Nancy Spungen. The Dollyrots performed music that was very Pop friendly and carried with it the riffs and beats of Punk rock, buy generic Zetia. Near the end of the band's set, 125mg, 150mg, 200mg, 250mg, The Dollyrots covered Joan Jett's "Bad Reputation" and garnered an ample amount of attention from the crowd with that song. The band departed from the stage, and made room for the band EVERYONE had been waiting for: Screeching Weasel.

Screeching Weasel Los Angeles 2010

Screeching Weasel is one of those bands whose tattoo you'll see on almost every one of their fans, order Zetia online overnight delivery no prescription. They're one of those bands that most of today's modern legends looked up to before they even got exposure, buy Zetia no prescription. Everyone had the honor to experience a show that proved to us even more why they continue to be everyone's favorite band. Online buy Zetia without a prescription, As fans gathered hours before the doors opened, you could see the joy and excitement in every single person standing and waiting for the night to begin. Several people jumped the barricade before Screeching Weasel took the stage, Zetia in cats, dogs, children, and as the granddaddies of Pop Punk finally arrived on stage, Purchase Zetia online no prescription, the crowd went insane and a plethora of people rushed the bouncers and dropped from the balcony into the pit area.

Screeching Weasel Ben Los Angeles 2010Screeching Weasel opened up with "Cindy's On Methadone" quickly followed by "Guest List". The band didn't waste a lot of time and played song after song since they haven't played in LA in almost 20 years. Buy Zetia no prescription, They played many songs from fan favorite album, "Boogadaboogadaboogada", such as "My Right", "Hey Suburbia", "Supermarket Fantasy", "Dingbat" and "This Aint Hawaii". The band also played a couple of their personalized covers which were "Sunshine" and "I Can See Clearly", Zetia for sale. When the band was playing "Peter Brady", Jacksonville, Florida, Columbus, Ohio, vocalist Fat Mike from NOFX/Fat Wreck Chords came on stage to sing the ending, showing love for his label mates.

What really surprised fans was "Murder in the Brady House" from their not so well known self-titled record. Amongst these songs, El Paso, Texas. Washington, D.C. Seattle, Washington, random songs were played throughout their set such as "Speed Of Mutation", Zetia from canadian pharmacy, "Veronica Hates Me", "99", "Endless Vacation", Zetia withdrawal, "Joanie Loves Johnny", Zetia samples, "Cool Kids", "Plastic Bag", " My Brain Hurts", Chicago, Illinois. Houston, Texas, "The First Day of Summer", Buy Zetia online no prescription, "The First Day of Autumn", and "I Wrote Holden Caulfield". As they finished up their set, australia, uk, us, usa, the crowd's cries for more were enough that even the hearing impaired would have wanted to cover their ears. They left the stage for no more than a minute and returned to give their fans what they wanted, buy Zetia no prescription. 5mg, 50mg, 75mg, 100mg, "I'm Gunna Strangle You", "Slogans", and "Science of Myth" were played before they ended their set with "What We Hate", Detroit, Michigan, San Jose, California. Screeching Weasel finally departed for good, Order Zetia no prescription, leaving everyone with a sense of fulfillment and relief over the fact that we had all been graced by a band we've been waiting to see for years.

Screeching Weasel 2010

Through time, Punk Rock has suffered from many disillusions, letdowns, 1000mg, 2000mg, and mockeries. 650mg, 800mg, 875mg, 900mg, Although this applies to all sub-genres, none of them have compared to the beating that the term "Pop Punk "has received. This show was intense relief for everyone who attended and reinstated that no matter what, buy Zetia without prescription, Screeching Weasel will always hold their ground and remain unscathed. Order Zetia online c.o.d, The "Punk" was placed back in "Pop Punk" for good.

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Coverage contributions by: Stephanie M., Jo Problems and Kevin L.

Big Wheel Staff


More photos of the show can be seen HERE


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