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October 1, 2010

Punk rock editorial Buy Rondimen Without Prescription, The number 13 seems to conjure up all kinds of negative connotations that somehow it is associated with misfortune and superstition. Online buy Rondimen without a prescription, Fear of the number 13 is called Triskaidekaphobia and it is fear that puts the breaks to anything you do in life. However this number can also be associated with very good things like when you reach the age of 13 you quit being a kid and now you are officially a teenager.

As you read this October 2010 editorial Big Wheel (formerly Team Goon) is now a teenager, Chicago, Illinois. Houston, Texas, Fort Worth, Texas. Denver, Colorado, we are 13. The actual date in October that this was born is lost on the guys that started it way back and the best date that can be attached to it would be the first week of October, 125mg, 150mg, 200mg, 250mg. 400mg, 450mg, 500mg, 625mg, The spark was really a matter of frustration of not seeing too many websites back then that had music content, let alone ones that were filled with Punk rock content, Austin, Texas, Memphis, Tennessee. A guy said way back then something that would put it in full motion, "Stop bitching about it and just go start something", Buy Rondimen Without Prescription. Reasons to buy Rondimen online, Being DIY purist, we did just that, where can i order Rondimen without prescription. Buy generic Rondimen, When this whole mission was only about 8 months in, a bitter dude that seemed to be jealous of what we were embarking on said that this site wouldn't even be around a year from now, kjøpe Rondimen online, bestill Rondimen online. Purchase Rondimen online, In a sick sort of way, this guy became the catalyst to keep the site going, buy Rondimen online no prescription, Rondimen over the counter, just to piss this dude off. So for all of you that have been loyal fans and supporters over the years you can thank that guy that this mission continues on.

When this all started the internet was a relatively young place that Al Gore did not create, canada, mexico, india. Buy Rondimen Without Prescription, This was the wave of the future we saw then, knowing that print would someday be seriously threatened as time went on and that online would be the format to use. Indianapolis, Indiana, San Francisco, California, The site first started off as a one of those arcane Tripod - GeoCities - Angelfire website which gave the mission a world wide voice (an audience of a whopping 100 visitors a month in it's inception). Just to illustrate the growth of the internet, order Rondimen online c.o.d, Buy cheap Rondimen no rx, here are some stats as to how many websites existed through the early days of the internet: August 1995 - 18,957 / December 1996 - 603, order Rondimen no prescription, New York. Los Angeles, California, 367 / December 1997 - 1,681, where can i buy cheapest Rondimen online, 5mg, 50mg, 75mg, 100mg, 868 / December 1998 - 3,689, Rondimen for sale, Order Rondimen online overnight delivery no prescription, 227 / December 1999 - 9,560, 0.4mg, 0.5mg, 1mg, 2.5mg, Rondimen in cats, dogs, children, 866 / December 2000 - 25,675, where can i buy Rondimen online, Australia, uk, us, usa, 581 and now in 2010 it is estimated that there are over 2 billion websites.

Over the years as things progressed and interest in the site grew dramatically, it became vital that if we wanted to continue to push the envelope, Rondimen withdrawal, Rondimen price, the site had to leave the "free" website realm and break into a custom site design with a real dot com name. Over the years the site had went through many design renditions that kept up with the possibilities in web programming and design, order Rondimen from mexican pharmacy. El Paso, Texas. Washington, D.C. Seattle, Washington, We never wanted to think that good was good enough, so if we discovered a way to add features and functionality to the site, buy cheap Rondimen, 650mg, 800mg, 875mg, 900mg, a sincere effort was made to make it happen.

This mission has not been without heartaches. Many times the work to keep this all going was more that the staff could handle and it was breaking everyone's back, Buy Rondimen Without Prescription. Then there were the times where the money needed to sustain the entire site and it's commitments threatened to cause it to fold, Rondimen pharmacy. Baltimore, Maryland. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Through it all, the core of the staff put their heads together to figure it out, solve it -even if it was a temporary fix, and just kept moving ahead. A line from one of the Die Hard movie series where the main character John McClane gets done falling, is battered and messed up the supporting character then asks him, "Why are you doing this?". John McClane then responds, "Because there's no body else to do it right now, that's why. Buy Rondimen Without Prescription, Believe me, if there were somebody else to do it, I'd let them do it, but there's not. So we're doing it." It is this line from the movie that seems to kick us in the ass to continue on with the mission.

We have also been blessed from out of nowhere from fans of the site that are believers in the stuff we do here for the music scene. Many times they appeared in the nick of time to step in and provide us the support to keep things going. It is those people that have lent their support to us in an anonymous way that has made the difference over the past 13 years -they deserve your thanks and praise. On the opposite end of the generosity scale is the vet Punks out there that have enjoyed great success in life, that throwing a few tokens our way would not even be a blip on their personal well being radar -and don't, yet a small gesture would make a big difference here. This is just a trend that has been noticed over the years that the fans that can least afford to, lend their support, and the ones that have more than most don't lend their support, Buy Rondimen Without Prescription. Their lack of support comes in light of the statements they make to our staffers in person or via the emails they send in where they say how much they use the site and love the content. However no one is under any obligation to lend their support to anything regardless of how well off they are, it is a free country. It just is a surprise that the well off Punks seem to take on an elitist posture and abandon the 3 Musketeers type philosophy they once held.

Here we are now 13 years later and our staff has covered over 2000 shows, taken well over 700,000 photos, listed over 10,000 shows that were going on at any given time... all in addition to the hundreds of hours of concert video, lots of interviews, record reviews, articles and various news items. All of us here even trip out that we have produced that much content. Over the years we have witnessed many websites and in some cases random photographers attempt to duplicate the content that is found within this site and all these same alternative sources came and went as quickly as they came. Once the reality sets in that this type of work is not that glamorous and that is takes a ton of effort and dedication, many of these other sources simply gave up.

In a city where bands, venues, marriages or clubs are lucky if they last more than a few years, all of us at Big Wheel find it unbelievable that we let this go on for 13 years now.

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