
June 2009 Editorial

June 1, 2009

As we settle into summer, the country begins to divide itself into two large groups. No, not Republicans and Democrats, but rather those who have a summer vacation and those who do not.  Now, at my age its not typical to have an extensive summer vacation to play around with, but then again who cares about being typical! Ok, so maybe its more because the Federal and State economies are running in a downward spiral, so that makes it easy for me to have some "time off".

At any rate, I have some time and figured what better way to spend the summer than by hanging out with friends and overloading on music and debauchery for a month. Starting with No Way Fest 3 and ending with an extensive tour of the United States.

For those sad souls who will be stuck at home for the summer, I have decided to lay out my travel itinerary for the summer, if for no better reason than to make you wish you could tell your boss to F-off and leave town.  Which reminds me of a billboard for an airline I saw on the side of the freeway yesterday that read something like "The best thing to do in Los Angeles is to leave". I couldn't agree more.

My travels officially start on June 18th when I fly from Los Angeles to Richmond, Virginia for the Punk Rock music festival "No Way Fest 3". Last year was the first time I went to No Way Fest, and after having an amazing time, I, like Douglas MacArthur vowed to return, thus making Richmond stop 1 for my summer activities.

The people who run No Way Records and in turn put on the fest have a great lineup of bands playing this year. Zero Boys, Government Warning, Carbonas, and Direct Control are just a few of the bands who will be playing the 3 day fest. For more information and to buy tickets visit

After No Way Fest I'll be heading out to Connecticut with Tommy from the band Guilty Faces to hang out for a week or so until west coast band Bad Antics arrive. From there the two bands will load up and we will heat the road with plans to catch a few baseball games along the way.

So what will you be doing this summer? Don't waste it, we may be nuked by North Korea and have to deal with nuclear winter for a while. Whatever the case, I've decided that I am going to do a little experiment and make this an open ended editorial and report to you guys from the road. Only time will tell what will become of this summer!

-Matt C.-
Editor in Chief




(Don't worry, while I am out traveling the country, getting you stories of the music scene in other places, plenty of coverage will still be going up in my abscence, our asst editor will be taking the helm.)
